For Foreigners

Video Blackmail via Facebook

Blackmail Using Obscene Video or Footage via Facebook

Blackmail involves intimidating a person by threatening to disclose and publish defamatory information in order to gain a significant advantage from the person. Forcing someone to do something they don’t want to do and using it for their own benefit is defined as blackmail. It is one of the most common crimes committed on the Internet today.

Blackmailing photos and videos using Facebook is done by creating fake profiles on Facebook, having private conversations with other profiles, saving private conversations via WhatsApp or Messenger, and threatening to send them to Facebook accounts of the victim’s relatives, usually obtained from the friends list after sharing the photos. Private Images are often used to threaten the victim to take a certain action, such as sending money.

Blackmail crimes committed through Facebook and similar platforms are usually committed by criminal gangs who are experienced in this field and are programmed to threaten dozens of people a day with their personal images. After intimacy is established, private photos taken in video calls without permission are usually shown to the victims first, and the victim is tried to be exploited by telling them that if the money they have determined is not sent, it will be sent to their Facebook friends and connections, and even to the groups they belong to. Even at this stage, the crime of blackmail has taken place, and before the photographs, videos and similar materials that are the subject of the crime are published, the help of a lawyer should be sought immediately for the criminal complaint and measures to be taken, and if the images are disclosed, this content should be removed.

I Was Blackmailed On Facebook, What Should I Do?

Not receiving legal support, being unresponsive or sending money to the blackmailer has devastating consequences for the victims. The most important advice we give to people who are blackmailed on Facebook is to collect all the evidence (screenshots, receipts, money transfers, etc.) as soon as possible and to seek help from an expert lawyer.

Blackmail crimes committed on the internet and social media are special crimes that require knowledge and experience to solve. Legal and technical roadmaps should be multidimensional, evidence should be collected meticulously, and the privacy of the victim should be fully protected in this process.

Sending money to a blackmail criminal is never the solution. Blackmail gangs work in an organized manner, store personal and private information, and if money is sent, the photos are shared with the members of the organization instead of deleting them, and the act of blackmailing is continued from different numbers. Also, you can never be sure that photos and videos from your personal portfolio and posted to someone else’s page will be completely deleted. That’s why the best thing you can do is ask for help rather than give in to the wishes of your blackmailers.

Since your primary goal is to prevent the sharing of private photos, it would be the best solution to work with a lawyer experienced in blackmail issues as the only professional group to protect your personal data in all dimensions.

Facebook Intimate Image Blackmail Lawyer Support

A lawyer who supports the client about the crime of blackmail on the internet, especially on Facebook; Blackmail consultancy, tracking personal and confidential content, preventing its spread, removing if any, litigation and legal process follow-up works and should work in a multi-faceted manner.

The attorney will keep the client’s every information confidential within the framework of the confidentiality obligation and ethical rules by prioritizing the client’s confidentiality, and will not share it with third parties other than the judicial authorities and will prevent it from being shared.

However, it should be emphasized that the fake law firms that have victimized many people with their money greed in the past also collect data by stating that they provide services in this field. This is another thing you should pay attention to.


To make an appointment, you can reach us via the phone below during workhours or send an e-mail to the address below.

Weekdays: 09 A.M. – 09 P.M.

Weekends: 10 A.M. – 06 P.M.

Phone: +9 0 (505) 584 41 16



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